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I have a problem with Mobile Article Explorer. The text is not displayed correctly on my smartphone. The screen is not being used to its full potentiel and the font size is too large. Therefore the text is not easy to read. In the browser version it works perfectly.

Can you edit the display of the text?

Where could the error come from?

Could it be the smartphone itself if it´s too old?

I look forward to your feedback.

Thanks a lot for your help!


in feature_requests by (120 points)

1 Answer

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I'm sorry that you're having trouble with the appearance of the text in the Mobile Article Explorer. 

Which mobile device and browser you were using when the text didn't appear properly?

Would you also be able to send us the following for us to troubleshoot?

  • Your InDesign file or a sample file that recreates the issue
  • Your html5_output folder

You can reply and send us your files here:

by (30.3k points)