This page contains links for help and discussion on creating UX (User eXperience) wireframes and prototypes with Adobe InDesign.


We’ve created a premium video course on creating wireframes with InDesign. See the trailer below.

How to

InDesign UX Design Patterns full guide (cover image)The InDesign UX Design Patterns guide details how to create User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) elements from InDesign without coding.

Topics include

  1. Popups and Feedback (to notify the reader)
  2. Indicated Progress (to keep the reader motivated)
  3. Navigation (it doesn’t have to read like a book 😉 )
  4. Visual Exploration (to let the reader have fun)


Video Presentations and Courses


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7 replies on “InDesign UX Resources”

  1. David says:

    Great resources – great software – thank you!

    1. Justin says:

      Thanks, David! 🙂

  2. James says:

    I’m curious if this can be used to create complex navigation menus

    1. Justin says:

      Yes, these techniques can absolutely be used for complex menus, assuming you use a format that supports Object States (in5 HTML, FXL Epub, or Publish Online—not Interactive PDF).

      In fact, in5’s Menu Builder makes this super easy:

  3. Mohammed echouaibi says:

    Bonjour Justin , j’espère que vous allez bien.
    désolé pour le dérangement, c’est possible de m’expliqué comment bloqué la taille des fonts lors de l’export de fichier en one-page site .
    merci d’avance

    1. Justin says:

      Hi, best to contact us here for a detailed conversation:


  4. Vanessa says:

    Hello Justin,
    We are using in5 for a local magazine, exporting with responsive layout. The magazine have 40 pages, local hosted with a dedicated link.

    We need to share a specific article (ex : page 5).
    We try creating a Link to a specific place on the page with anchor but it’s not working, have you got a tip with the app ?

    Thanks you, and have a nice day

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