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I have 8 simple multistate objects. Each object contains- State 1: a red light, State 2: a green light.

All 8 objects are triggered by 1 button, and all 8 "lights" change from red to green as expected. Instead of all 8 lights changing simultaneously, I added a small delay between each object state withing the animation timing panel, so the 8 lights change in a quick descending sequence.

With all this setup, the EPUB interactivity preview shows the timing delay working perfectly, but after exporting HTML with in5, the timing delay disappears and all 8 objects change states simultaneously.

Also worth noting, when using Adobe's publish online feature, the animation timing works as expected.
in bugs by (120 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes

I'm sorry that you're having trouble with the animation timing. Would you be able to send us the following to troubleshoot?

  • Your InDesign file or a sample file that recreates the issue
  • Your html5_output folder

You can send them here:

by (30.3k points)