Here's how you can jump to a specific page using the Slider. Attach the following code inside of a .js file using the Resources section of the in5 dialog:
sliderSettings = {hashTags:true};
That will add hash tags to the URL as the page changes. You can then link to specific pages using the hash tag, e.g. the following URL will link to page 2:
Update: v3.6 will change the format of the hashtag in the URL to
To match the other page formats.
Update: As of v3.3.6, enabling hashTags automatically connects to the browser navigation, so clicking the browser's back button will return you to the previous page.
To disable the browser navigation (i.e., treat the entire publication like a single page), the added JS should look like this:
sliderSettings = {hashTags:true, disableBrowserNav:true};