I'll confirm with Justin, but I suspect the Title and Destination Folder should not change with a saved export preset by design. You would save an export preset in order to apply the same export settings to another document that would likely have a different name and a different location.
If you would like to keep the same Title and Destination Folder for a document, you could save a copy of the document. Export settings are saved with a document, so you wouldn't need to create a preset in this case.
I tested whether CSS and JavaScript resources would also transfer. They both work for me.
I would add that if either the CSS or the JavaScript resource has the same name as an existing resource in the document where an export preset is being applied, the export preset's resource will overwrite the existing one. By default, in5 automatically names a new resource "resource-1.css" or "resource-1.js." If you'll be using resources in your export presets, I'd recommend giving them unique names.