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Is there a way to remove the underline from hanging spaces on wrapped hyperlinked text? There doesn't seem to be a way (aside from manually) in InDesign. I have seen a few java script options (one from David Blatner) but they can only be run once when the document is final and mine is ever-changing. Can the JS be used in in5 so they only run on export on not on the native INDD file?
in how_to by (310 points)

1 Answer

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You can modify the Hyperlink Character Style to remove the underline by double-clicking on it in the Character Styles panel (Window > Styles > Character Styles), going to the Basic Character Formats section in the Character Styles dialog, and deselecting Underline.

by (29.8k points)
I'm not sure I was clear. We still want the text of the hyperlink to be underlined - we're just trying to remove the underline of the hanging space at the end of each line that is text wrapped. We know it can be done manually but the text in our links changes often and we have over 100 multi-line hyperlinks, many with four or five lines.

Would you be able to send us both your InDesign file (or a sample file that recreates the issue) and your html5_output folder for us to take a look? You can send them here: