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I have 50 pages in my file. Each of the 50 pages has a large text frame where text flows into multiple object states. I have left and right arrows on the page that go to the next or previous object state. I need to also include a "1 of 4" type page numbering that changes as you go back and forth through the object states on each page. I don't want to put them in the text frame because that text will be changing and I'd need to move the page numbering text on every frame with every change. I can't put it on the page itself because there would only be one instance.
in how_to by (310 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Would you be able send us your InDesign file or a sample InDesign file so that we can get a better idea of how you have it set up? You can send it to us at:

by (30.3k points)
0 votes
I have a possible solution, but I want to see how your files are set up to be sure it will work in your case. Can you send your files to us at the email Myra provided? Thanks!
by (9.7k points)