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In the Export Tagging tab of an object style, is there a way to have a second class be emitted from the style? For our purposes we need to add a class that Swiper.js recognizes to prevent swiping when moving a horizontal scrolling frame, but any second class i put there ends up being combined with the first.

So far every character ive tried is converted to a dash or is ignored, combining the two classes. 

InDesigns docs state that a space is enough to create multiple classes so i figured it was something in5 was doing. Is there a character or pattern i can use to emit 2 classes?

I can obviously do this with js but would prefer to do it within indesign as it would require less reworking

in misc by (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
You can try combining the export tag and the name of the style. Each one of those should result in a class name (for a max of two). Any dash or slash will be ignored. Spaces as well...but we might be able to update a future version to support multiple class names using spaces as breaks. Let us know how using the export tag and the style name work for you in the meantime.
by (197k points)
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That is the solution i ended up with yes, changing the style name is giving us the results we needed. The other solution I found was copying and pasting a tab character instead of a space between the classes in the export tag also resulted in similar effects, but thats obviously a bit janky. Thank you!