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Dear in5 team,

I had to downgrade to in5(v13.7.16) as this is latest version that properly handle "indd>ScriptLabel" value and export it to HTML graphics and liveText objects.

Replicate Issue with in5(v13.7.18) or higher:

1: in indesign-2022(v17.2) layout create: 

  • textObject with scriptLabel value "SLvalue-text-11"
  • rectangle with scriptLabel value "SLvalue-graphics-11"
2: in5 Export to HTML 
  • slider vertical
  • HTML with local font embeding
3: Inspect exported HTML - issue
  • textObject > ALT attribute NOT contain "SLvalue-text-11" as expacted
  • rectangle > ALT attribute  contain "SLvalue-graphics-11" as expected
4: than change inDesign ScriptLabel attribute to:
  • textObject with scriptLabel value "SLvalue-text-22"
  • rectangle with scriptLabel value "SLvalue-graphics-22"
5: again Inspect exported HTML - issue
  • textObject > ALT attribute NOT contain "SLvalue-text-22" as expacted
  • rectangle > ALT attribute  NOT contain "SLvalue-text-22" as expacted
Is possible to put back inDesign>ScriptLabel attribute to be exported to ALT attribute, as this is the only way to somehow mark HTML objects that can be later selected and managed via CSS, JS or jQuery. 
Thanks in advance, Klemen Lavrih
in bugs by (680 points)
Hi Klemen, Thanks for the details. I will investigate.
Dear Justin,

May I ask, if there is any update regarding "scriptLabel Export"?
Working on it this week.

Thanks Justin,

Just suggestion...

If you have some other plans with "alt" attribute, you can simply add custom "data-scriptlabel" attribute and inject indd>scriptLabel field text content if any.

However, any simple method to mark HTML tags from indd object, to enable post JavaScript/jQuery/CSS processing would be fine.

And please do not forget to enable special characters like " ' ( ) [ ] { } , . ; - * / = | ^ ~ so we can play with CSS/JS parameters...

BR, Klemen Lavrih

1 Answer

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This will be updated in v3.8.8 to work when Alt Text is manually set (including using a Script Label). No release date is set, but will likely be in the next 2 weeks.
by (197k points)
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