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I am working on an InDesign-document with 488 pages full of interactive buttons. When I export this document as a flipbook with in5 there are some problems:

  • It takes at least 20 seconds to load the flipbook in any browser. Is there a way to reduce this time?
  • The interactive buttons don't work when using an iPhone
  • I put the animated menu on some of the pages. After the export the white part of the button was not underneath the symbol but on the middle of the page. I found out that I need to change the "left" position marker in html from -514 to -10.
  • Lastly, some of the interactive Buttons go missing during the export, so far I can't see why because if I export witch something else they are there. The only thing that I found that helps is to duplicate these buttons (I then activate "do not show before activating" and never activate them)
in bugs by (250 points)

1 Answer

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It sounds like your long document (over 60 pages) may not be optimized. Here is an article that should help:
Tips & Best Practices for Exporting Long-form Digital Documents from InDesign with in5 (and speeding up load time)

Something else that can help is to make sure that you're using the most recent version of in5. You can download it here:
Download the latest version

After optimizing and exporting with the latest version of in5, if you're still noticing the other issues, we would be happy to take a look at your InDesign file or a sample file that recreates the issues. You can send it to us at https://ajarproductions.com/pages/contact.php?category=in5&software_issue=bug

by (30.0k points)
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