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Hi there, i would like to add a fixed footer to display some company information. I have to do this in the resources with css or html, but it doesn't work. I am not a css professional, can anyone help me? Mac OS, Version 10.14.6, in5 Version 3.7.11, CC 2021. Glad about some help, Ines
in how_to by (120 points)

1 Answer

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If you have the Gold-level plan or higher, you could use the Fixed Position Element feature to pin your footer information to the bottom. Here's a video about the Fixed Position Element feature.

by (30.3k points)
Hi Myra, thanks a lot for your quick answer. I undestand, but my footer should not appear in my document. It would be great when the footer appears below the box where for e.g. the page numbers, tumbs or magnifier is included.

If you'd like to add your company logo with a hyperlink to the Viewer Display, the bar at the bottom, you can create an SVG that you can use as your Viewer Display logo. Here's more info on how to create the SVG:

How to Add a Hyperlink to an SVG File From Adobe Illustrator Print

When you export, go to in5 > Export HTML5 with in5... , go to the Viewer Display section), and click the Browse... button to navigate to your logo. You can use a regular logo without a link and add it the same way.

For additional branding, you can change the color of the Viewer Display frame by selecting a Frame Color.

Hi Myra, thats a good way. But if i click on the logo (with added hyperlink) the link (contains company-website) opens inside this very small footer. Maybe its possible, that the link opens in a new window?
You could try adding a target to your URL in Illustrator to target="_blank" to have it open up in a new window.

Hi again! Sorry, it doesnt´t work. My content always appears in this little space on the left side of the footer. I tried everything. Maybe it just doesn't work?

Would you be able to send us your InDesign package to troubleshoot? You can send it through here: https://ajarproductions.com/pages/contact.php?category=in5
Hi Myra! The whole InDesign package or just the exported .html-file? I can send you a zip.-file of the InDesign document, but just with the cover. I have to delete all the other 72 pages due to privacy :)

Is that okay for you?
You can make a smaller sample version of the document that recreates the issue with one page and the Viewer Display with the SVG that you're adding to show how you have it set up. It generally helps if you send the InDesign package so that we can have the original linked files. If you want to export that sample, you can send the output from it, too.
Problem solved.

Great team, great support, great software! I am very thankful to you guys!
We are always happy to help. Thank you.