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After export, some web pages vertically centre in the browser and others pin to the top, seemingly randomly

I have no fixed objects in my document.

I am exporting as liquid layout
Could anyone advise of how to amend please?

in how_to by (220 points)

1 Answer

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First, check that you're using the latest version of in5. The current version is v3.8.24. You can check your version by going to in5 > Info and Updates... and checking the version number in the upper right of the in5 - Info & Updates dialog that opens. If it's an earlier version, try downloading this latest version, installing it, and re-exporting your content. 

If you're still having issues after updating to the latest version, would you be able to send us your InDesign file (or a sample file that recreates the issue) and your html5_output for us to troubleshoot? You can send your files here:


by (30.3k points)