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I created an HTML5 web banner using In5 because it produced a smaller file size than an animated GIF would have for the same animation. The issue I ran into was making it loop continuously. I found a partial answer in the Knowledge Base, which suggested using the "Presentation Mode" enhancement to generate a looping animation, but that seems to max out at a 9 second slide duration, which was about 6 seconds shorter than my full animation. 
The fix was to edit the "in5.config.js" file in the assets folder. In the var autoPlay = line, I changed the value from 9000 to 15000 and it worked a charm. 

It would be great to have that ability in the In5 interface. This is a great solution for creating single page animated web banners whose animation runs longer than the 9 sec limit set in the interface.

in feature_requests by (140 points)

1 Answer

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You can make the Slide duration in Presentation Mode longer than 9 seconds. If you're still having trouble, would you be able to send us your InDesign file and your html5_output folder? You can send them here:

by (30.3k points)