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assets are not loading on server. everything works great on local drive, but once uploaded, assets are not loading. double checked that assets are indeed uploaded.

latest versions of indesign cc, in5, macOS.
in bugs by (120 points)

1 Answer

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It sounds like it could be a permissions issue. The 2nd half of the following article explains how to fix it:

by (29.5k points)
thanks for your answer, myra. I double checked all the assets, permissions are at 644 and the assets folder is 745.

neither the jquery files nor the images are loading, there aren't even missing img placeholders. the loading content spiral spins endlessly.

then i disabled lazy load, re-exported, uploaded and the images are now loaded.

the slider and other jquery scripts still don't load.

Are your uploading your files to your own web server or to something else like Sharepoint?

You're also welcome to reach out to us at support here if you'd like to send us your output to troubleshoot:

will do, thanks myra!

I replied via email, but for anyone else who might have a similar issue, you might check your Console in Chrome to see if there are any errors. Here's how you can access the Console in Chrome:

  1. Right-click
  2. Select Inspect
  3. Click on the Console tab
In this case, there was the following error in the Console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden).

The configuration seems to be blocking the access to that file and may indicate that it doesn't have "read" permissions.