Dear in5 team,
By upgrading to in5-3.8.10 have noticed, that HyperLinks defined from Indesign throw an error at iOS Safari.
Example of link, exported from InDesign via IN5.
<a href="javascript:myFunction()">
<div id="item783" alt="" class="pageItem "> </div>
I suppose, you need to ask IN5 developers, to adjust function definition from "assets/js/in5.config.js" to strip "javascript:" prior call strict function like:
function strfunc(str,cthis){
if(!str || !str.length){ return; }
if(cthis){ str = str.replace(/this\)/g, '$(\'[data-uid="'+getUID(cthis)+'"]\')[0])'); }
s = s.replace("javascript:", "");
try{ return Function('"use strict";return ('+s+')')(); }
catch(err){console.log('strfunc error running: '+s+'\r>>>'+err)}