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I have some bullet point lists in a dual collumn my InDesign document with variable leading to tighten up gaps between double and signle lines. However, when exporting the PNG created does not represent these changes. This then throws off all my links as everything shifts down one.

Not sure if this is a bug or something I'm doing wrong ?

in bugs by (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

It would help to see how you have it set up. Would you be able to send us:

  • Your InDesign file 
  • Your html5_output folder 

for us to troubleshoot? You can send it to:


by (29.5k points)

If anyone else is having trouble with maintaining the leading in their output when Text Rendering is set to Images, check your styles. In this case, there were overrides to the leading. Creating a new Paragraph Style using consistent leading and editing the style to add a value for Space After for separation between the bulleted items fixed the issue.