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I'm trying to add a background sound that plays as the user navigates the site, across pages. I tried setting "Play in background" in the IN5 Audio widget and also inserting the JS I found here (pasted below) as a resource.

I'm working with IN5 version 3.7.18, Indesign 2022, MacOS BigSur (11.6). Any ideas? I know it should work, as I did it a couple of years ago with the JS provided and it went fine.

Thanks a lot.

The JS used is this:
stopAllMedia = function (targ) {
 if(!targ) targ = document;
 $(targ).find('audio,video').each(function() {
  var media = $(this)[0], player = media.player || media;
  if($(this).parents('.page').index() == 0) return false;
  try{player.pause(); media.currentTime = 0;}catch(e){}

in how_to by (130 points)

1 Answer

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Is the sound placed on the Master (Parent) page?

Here are steps that previously worked:
Adding audio in flipbook

If you're still having issues, would you be able to send us your InDesign package (File > Package) or a sample package that recreates the issue? You can send it here: https://ajarproductions.com/pages/contact.php

by (30.0k points)
Thanks Myra,

Yes, the sound file is placed on the Master page.

I'll send the Indy package in a few minutes.
