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Hi there,

is it possible to add (via script) more than three share buttons in the social share panel?
For example: I need facebook, twitter, mail and whatup. I need to share "pages" not the whole issue.

Thanks Stephan
in feature_requests by (570 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I'll pass along the feature request.

In the meantime, you can add your own buttons for email, Whatsapp, or other social media sites and use a link generator such as http://www.sharelinkgenerator.com/ or https://sharethis.com/social-media-buttons/ to create the link for you. Here's more info:

How to add buttons in InDesign (not PDF) that shares to social media and email?

by (30.3k points)

If you'd like to share a specific page using in5's built-in sharing buttons, you can export with the Output set to Multi-page web. Then in5 will add the URL using the numbered page to the share button.