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I have an existing InDesign document with many 'Hyperlink' buttons which now need to be 'Go To Page' buttons.

Is there a way to do this or a script available to do this?

in how_to by (120 points)

1 Answer

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I'm not aware of a script just for this. However, it's possible that you could use the "Export as IDML then dig into the contents of the IDML folders" trick. It may be techier than you'd like, but might work for you.

This article from CreativePro.com discusses it. Also, in the the comments, there is a link or two to scripts that make the process a little easier. I'm not 100% sure, but it stands to reason that the type of hyperlink could be adjusted from there. However, if you have many different hyperlink destinations and need to map to multiple pages, then this would take as long as adjusting each one manually right in InDesign itself.

by (9.7k points)
Hi E Gamet.

Thank you for taking the time to answer this. It would appear I will have to go through the ID doc manually to reset the buttons.

Thanks for your help.
Yes, even with the "automatic" solutions, it seems it would be as hands-on as just fixing it in InDesign.