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+1 vote
Hi again.

So, I have a button that allows to share to FB (or Twitter) the current page the user is reading.
The former design team made it so that the sharing modal pop-up window features a thumbnail of that current page.
How can it be done with in5?

As for the Twitter sharing: I always end up putting the %20 code in every space between words of the caption. Not a huge deal (well, sort of) but I have to do it by Search&Replace.
Does in5 feature something to achieve this automatically?

Many thanks for helping!
in how_to by (260 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Here's a video with Justin showing in5's social sharing features. In the Export HTML5 with in5 dialog (in5 > Export HTML5 with in5...), in the Analytics & Sharing tab, you can add an image under Social Share Image. You can also add your caption in the SEO & Meta tab under Description.

by (30.3k points)