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I need URL links within the same domain / site folders to open in a lightbox for navigation reasons. I have been able to get these links to open in a lightbox by using a URL Hyperlink like it was an external site, however they are simultaneously opening in another tab as well. Is there a way that I can fix this via settings or javascript to allow all URL links (internal or external) to open in a lightbox?
in how_to by (480 points)

1 Answer

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Try updating to the latest version of in5.

Let us know if the issue persists.

by (197k points)
I did the update and it did not fix the problem. It persists whether the URL link is done via a button or hyperlink, or whether target=_lightbox is included in the URL link. (rel=noopener & rel=noreferrer have no impact either.)

There seems to be something in the code that causes local links to be treated differently even if linked via URL, but I have not been able to find it.
This only seems to happen when a second button Action exists on the same button with "Go to URL" or a URL Hyperlink. I tested it without a secondary Action and it opened fine in a lightbox as expected. In my case, I have a second required "Show/Hide Buttons and Forms" Action that re-hides my popup nav menu. Any ideas? I have also already tried changing the order of events, and moving one event to "on Click" and the second to "on Release or Tap". Neither fix the double open issue.
Please send us your InDesign file and output files and we'll investigate:

It is a massive project, but I will try to get it down to a couple of pages that illustrate the issues. I have run into a few other small issues after the update that I have mostly worked around.

Horizontally flipped items were losing their fill, likely due to positioning error from the -100% setting that indesign uses). This was fixable by flipping the frame back and then flipping the contents to meet my needs.

The one that I can't seem to work around is that marked images are no longer opening in the lightbox even with the selected output settings. This is happening on all of my files. I don't see anything in the html code showing that these images have been marked as thumbnails. Can you please tell me the correct code to manually tag images as thumbnails after export? I need a quick fix to use until the issue is resolved?
I sent a 4 page version of the project trough the support link that illustrates both the URL lightbox issue and the thumbnail lightbox issue.
Awesome. Thanks!