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I want to use a background image for a page, not for the whole document
in how_to by (660 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Not without customizing the output.

However, if you're comfortable writing custom CSS, it could be done.
by (197k points)
Thanks so much for your reply 'indesigners', I really appreciate the rapid response!

I've had a play round with the 'fixed boxed position' and this is a great feature, which does exactly what I need! The only part I'm not sure about is the 'z-index'... I've read up on this, online, however I can't get my head around how I would implement anything - do I need to insert specific code in the CSS section to achieve moving this layer to the background? Any help on this part of the issue would again be greatly appreciated! Many thanks in advance.

That's right. You have to do it with a new css. It's really easy, if you don't know how to use css maybe this can help you:


This is great, thank you! I'll have an experiment... not up on CSS particularly, so will see how I get on! Many thanks :-)

ok... struggling to grasp this! Basically I have a test document set up at 1366 x 768px, with a coloured background (frame filled with flat colour), that is set to:

- Scaling: stretch to fill

- Show: for this page

- Pin to: Left / Top

It's on it's own layer below all other layers. How would I get this simple colour frame to stick to the very back when I output the document with in5? Apologies if I'm being stupid here - it probably is very simple, but definitely struggling to understand what code I would need to put in! Any help would be amazing! Thank you...

This is a screenshot of the basic doc I have set up...

You have to add some code to the html created:

- find this line: <nav class="fixed-item-wrap">

There must be the something like this

<div id="item108101" class="pageItem fixed-pos-elem fixed-scaling-desktop hidden fixed-center-y fixed-center-x fauxgroup" alt="Rectangle" data-fixed-for="page" data-page-id="77855">

add at the end this: style="z-index:-1"

<div id="item108101" class="pageItem fixed-pos-elem fixed-scaling-desktop hidden fixed-center-y fixed-center-x fauxgroup" alt="Rectangle" data-fixed-for="page" data-page-id="77855" style="z-index:-1">