For the scrolling, try adding a .js file to the Resources section of the in5 dialog with the following code:
useBookmark = true;
That will store the last page viewed, on reload it will return to that page instead of the first page.
Do you find that your readers hit reload often?
Alternatively, you could set your waypoint code so that it's not triggered until after the scroll occurs. One way to do so would be to delay that code by 1 second.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(this).waypoint(function() {
elem.animate({ top: '-=12px' }, 400);
elem.animate({ top: '+=12px' }, 400);
}, 1000,$(this));
}, {offset: "70%", triggerOnce: true }).fadeOut();
}, 1000);
I understand that it would be nice to have this and the loading message as options in the dialog. If we can find a way to add these without cluttering the dialog for the majority of users, we will.