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Some images throughout the document break format and appear much larger and roughly out of place.

At first I thought it was a browser issue, but this does not happen on every computer, same browser, different computer, I am viewing on Chrome on both computers, one is fine, the other it happens sporadically. Not all images on the same page do it,

Any advice appreciated
ago in how_to by (220 points)

1 Answer

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I'm wondering if you've applied Text Wrap. Text wrap only works under certain conditions with live text in HTML. Here's a video with more information:

If you're still having trouble with the bullets, would you be able to send us the following for us to troubleshoot?

  • Your InDesign file or a sample file that recreates the issue
  • Your html5_output folder

You can send your files here:

ago by (30.3k points)
Thankyou for the new information.

Unfortunately this is not the issue.

I have emailed support my documents and an explanation. Fingers crossed

At first I thought it was browser specific, i.e. it happens in chrome but not safari, which it wasn't in my case, but for future reference could you point me to any information you have about using in5 to troubleshoot and address browser specific issues?


Thank you for sending us your content. I wasn't able to see the image sizing issue in Chrome on Windows 11, so it is possibly browser/os-specific. If you can send us the browser information of where you saw the issue, we can investigate further.

Browsers are constantly updating, so if we discover an issue with how one is rendering, we would address whatever that change is.

Here is the general browser information:

Additionally, here is where you can search all of our support channels: