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I needed to move my site to tiiny.site since the Wordpress site at the University I work at just couldn't handle the in5 Plugin. I have a google analytics tag (the one that starts with a G) but can't seem to figure out how to access the analytics data. When I went through the analytics on google, it gave me a message when it came to collecting data on the tiiny.site saying that I needed to select a web building platform for it to work. It had platforms like go daddy, squarespace, etc. That's when I figured out that I need some help with this.
in how_to by (370 points)

1 Answer

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I'm sorry that you're having trouble using your in5 content with Google Analytics that's hosted on a Tiiny Host site. 

It sounds like your issue may be a support question for Tiiny Host, though. I can see from their support content that they automatically include another built-in analytics platform:

And they support Google Tag Manager which is different from Google Analytics:

I'm also curious your University not being handle the in5 Plugin -- was it in5 plugin for InDesign or the in5 WordPress plugin? And was there a technical issue or something else? I recall your University had an issue with the version of PHP it was using with WordPress. If that was the issue, the in5 WordPress plugin works with PHP 8.2.

by (29.5k points)