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What's the protocol not getting "unsafe site" when linking to the magazine files on my https website? Does the in5 folder need to be in a particular place so it opens as secure?
in how_to by (320 points)

1 Answer

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Here is some information from Google's support about the issue and how you can fix it:

by (30.2k points)
Hmmm? This isn't a site issue, all folders are shown as secure except for the in5 mag folder.
You haven't ran across this before?
No, I haven't gotten reports from other customers having this issue. Based on the Google support article, you could check that your content doesn't violate any of their policies.

I'll check with Justin to see if he has any additional recommendations.
The only content is the in5 mag which is food, so no it doesn't violate any Google policies

I checked with Justin. He said that we'd need to see the site to do more troubleshooting. Can you post the URL here? You can also send it to us with your files by going to