Flash Extension: Set Instance Name on Multiple Frames

Here’s a quick extension by request. This extension adds a command that can batch name instances in multiple frames. Just select the frames and run the command.


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26 replies on “Flash Extension: Set Instance Name on Multiple Frames”

  1. Tim says:

    Nice. I can see this being very handy. Cheers.

    One bug I’ve encountered within Flash CS4 is this:

    The following JavaScript error(s) occured:
    At line 40 of file “INSTANCE – multi-name.jsfl”:
    TypeError: iFrame has no properties

    This is triggered every time I select keyframes within a tween. Specifically It is caused when you include the final frame of the tween. Selecting multiple keyrames within a tween works fine until you include the end frame.

  2. Justin says:

    Thanks for the details, Tim. I should be able to troubleshoot this. Look for a fix in the next few days.

  3. Justin says:

    Tim, I was able to fix this error. I also corrected another minor glitch so that the command will still run on the first frame selected even if it isn’t a keyframe. Download link above has the new version (1.0.1).

  4. Lubo says:

    Thank you for this tool I’ve always wanted. You save me lot of time and from clicking those little keyframes, then symbol, then typing a name again and again – until madness 🙂 Maybe you can improve it a little by allowing a symbol be a button. I think, that this works:

    if(iSel.symbolType == ‘movie clip’ || iSel.symbolType == ‘button’)


  5. Justin says:

    Lubo, I’ve taken your suggestion and updated the extension. Thanks for your feedback!

  6. mirek says:

    thanks I’m currently working on a project where I have a lot of similar instances that need to be named like ball1, ball2, ball3 etc. In your function setElementNames I just added the count variable to the end of the new name

    iSel.name = instanceName+count;

    It worked like a charm. Thanks for a great extension that will save me a lot of tedious instance naming.

  7. Haansplosion says:

    Hi Guys,

    Mirek, thats exactly what i need!

    Problem is, im not well versed in creating or modifying extensions, do you think you could upload your extension with the count added in?

    Justin, awesome extension. I wasnt aware that flash extensions were this handy until today. Keep up the awesome work!

  8. Justin says:


    Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad to hear that the extensions are coming in handy!

    Here’s a modified package that appends a number: INSTANCE – multi-name-numbered.mxp. FYI: It restarts the numbering on each new frame.

  9. Haansplosion says:


    You are a legend. You have no idea how much that is going to help me.

    Thankyou so much, i really appreciate it!!

  10. Justin says:

    You’re welcome, Haansplosion. Glad I could help!

  11. Andrew says:

    INSTANCE – multi-name-numbered.mxp doesn’t add numbers after names:(

    1. Justin says:

      I tested this on CS3 and CC and it was working for me. Are you sure you’re looking instance names (found in the Properties panel) and not symbol names in the Library?

  12. Mauro says:

    Wow.. this was really useful. Thank you.

    1. Justin says:

      You’re welcome, Mauro. 😉

  13. Alex Rover says:

    You save my life bro. Love you so much :3

    1. Justin says:

      Glad we could help, Alex!

  14. Grak says:

    thanks for this, this will save me 100+ hours in the long run.

    i wasn’t sure how to use this at first, but it only took me 5 mins to understand what i needed to do. (never used flash extensions before)

    to anyone not knowing how to use, just run the file, add it to the flash extensions, then when u want to use it, click commands at the top, and it should be in that list… gl all ^_^

    1. Justin says:

      Glad to hear that we could save you so much time, Grak! Thanks for your comment. 🙂

  15. Al says:

    Is there any way of getting this to work on the newest version of Adobe Animate CC? Can’t seem to get it to install. Works amazingly in CS6 but I need it in Animate CC. Thank you!

    1. Justin says:

      You might be able to install the zxp with the Adobe Animate installation tool:

      1. Dave says:

        This doesn’t seem to work. Any chance you could post the native .jsfl text file so we can just run as a command in AnimateCC?

        Nothing else seems to work as far as installing this is concerned.

      2. Justin says:

        Not at this time, Dave.

  16. Lee says:

    Any chance this could be made to work for animate 20??? It’s such a great extension

  17. Lee says:

    Damn! It DOES work in Animate 20!!! 🙂

    For anyone else with same problem…

    1. Download Anastasiy’s Extension Manager


    2. Check that you only have a single country folder here:

    C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Adobe\Animate 2020\

    I had en_GB and en_US – so the INSTANCE – multi-name.jsfl had to be copied to the US folder.

    Explained here:


    Anyway – it works perfect! $20 sent to you Justin!

  18. Jeff says:

    I get warnings that the download is insecure.

    1. Justin says:

      The links have been updated to HTTPS and should work now.

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