This is a handy-dandy animation plug-in similar to Animonger’s AnimSlider, except that it uses frame labels and requires no other setup.
I picked up this style of lip syncing in Flash from Chris Georgenes’ tutorial.
Update (8/26/09): A savvy user caught a stage refresh bug introduced in Flash CS4 with AS3. If you’re using Flash CS4 & AS3 and the symbol isn’t updating when you select a new frame from the panel, download the most recent version below (1.0.3 has the fix).

Update (8/16/10): Version 2.0 now has some great new features, including a “keyframe” mode, audio playback and frame navigation for Flash CS5, and performance improvements. See this post for more details on the updates.
Update (10/5/10): Check out SmartMouth, the new extension that automatically lip syncs.
Update (11/19/10): See Chris Georgenes demo FrameSync in his MAX 2010 Animation session.
(compatible with Flash MX 2004 & up)
Other Lip Sync Tools from Ajar Productions
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Looks awesome! Can’t wait to have a project to try this one on!
Great plugin, this will save me hours!
I noticed a small bug… if the selected symbol has layers in layer folders, it won’t work. An error appears saying “TypeError: iFrame has no properties”. Not a big deal, still an awesome plugin.
Nice catch! I’ve posted an update (1.0.2) that will allow you to have folders inside the symbol.
Thanks for this great plugin, I really appreaciate the efforts you are putting on those plugins, and most important, you share them freely to anybody, if you could add thumbnails of the nested symbols to your framesync, it would be perfect, thank you anyway.
Thanks for your comment, Edson. I’d love to add thumbnails. At this point, there’s not an efficient way to implement that feature, so I opted to keep things simple, but I’ll keep it in mind for future updates.
Great plugin, the thing that really would make it almost perfect is a thumbnail preview, as said before. Thats what I was always missing in Flash.
Thanks for the comment, John. I’ll keep it in mind for the future.
Awesome plugin! Is there anyway the frames could still appear on the panel when you haven’t labelled them? They would appear as their frame number as opposed to their label name. Would help loads. Thanks!
Good suggestion, J. A few people have asked for this feature. I will include it in the next release. Here’s a video preview.
J, These features have been added to the latest version (2.0.0), which is now available. See this post for more details.
Hi AjarPorductions,
Just like to say thanks for the extensions, really appreciate your efforts. After installing FrameSync, when I now open Flash CS5 (Mac) I get javascript errors;
At line 195 of file “/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/Martin/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5/en_US/Configuration/WindowSWF/FrameSyncActions.jsfl”:
TypeError: dom has no properties
the same at line 20
FrameSync still works perfectly as does Flash, just wondering why what and how and maybe the more feedback you get the better the product ( I know… could it get even better? ; D )
Thanks again,
Hi Martin, thanks for the feedback!
Can you tell me which version of FrameSync you have installed? Does it happen when you have no open documents in Flash? If so, this may have been fixed in a more recent version. Otherwise, I’m happy to take a look and see what I can do. Latest version as I write this is 2.0.0.
Hi Justin,
Yes I’m running FrameSync 2.0.0, I’ve tried re installing it with the extension manager, but nothing changed. It only appears when I first open Flash. This is in the output window by the way.
I hope this helps…
If you need more let me know.
Hi Martin,
Just to confirm, in Flash CS5, you see the info button next to the refresh button in the FrameSync panel–and when you click it, it shows a pop-up that says ‘version 2.0.0’ inside?
If not, make sure you’re installing with Extension Manager CS5.
If you’re not installing with Extension Manager CS5, you could be updating FrameSync in an older version of Flash. The bug you are referring to should be fixed in 2.0.0 and line 195 doesn’t have a dom variable (because it’s moved since being updated). Hopefully this is the issue.
HI Justin,
sorry to say that yes its Extension Manager for CS5 and its definitely 2.0.0. I did check as I do have CS4 on my mac as well… I have no extensions installed for CS4.
Wait..Aha.. I just disabled it in ExtMan, started Flash, no errors. So quit Flash, enabled it and restarted Flash and voila.. no errors… all clean.
Does this help… or go down to one of the millions of quirky things that happen in life.
Thanks for all your work
Cheers ; )
Hmm…Not sure why that happened, Martin, but I’m glad you got it fixed. Maybe something was cached from an old version? Not sure how or why. Certainly strange. Or perhaps something was not properly overwritten on install and it was fixed when you re-enabled the extension? Anyhoo, glad it’s working for you!
I instaled the extension using the EM cs5 for flash cs5 but cannot see it under the window panel other panels, help please
Hi Mario,
1) Try locating EM using this technique.
2) Install.
3) Restart Flash.
I tried to install this to Adobe Flash Pro CS5.5, but even if Adobe Extension manager claims that it’s installed and enabled, I can’t find it
Make sure that you’re using EM CS5.5 (you may have other versions installed and only that one will install to Flash CS5.5).
I have extension Manager CS5.5 and I still can’t find the installed addon.
Sorry, but that version of Flash is almost 10 years old and I don’t have it installed on any on my computers. There’s nothing that I can do to actively support it at this point.