Flash Extension: Unify Stroke and Fill

Here’s a new Flash extension I put together based a question from Chris Georgenes’ helpful new Ask Chris section of his popular Keyframer blog.

This extension adds two items to the Commands menu in Flash:

  • COLOR – match Fill to Stroke
  • COLOR – match Stroke to Fill

I recommend adding keyboard shortcuts to really make these commands useful.


(compatible back to Flash MX 2004)
COLOR – Unify Stroke and Fill.mxp

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5 replies on “Flash Extension: Unify Stroke and Fill”

  1. This is amazing Justin – I can’t wait to pass it along! Thanks a million!!! Great website!

  2. Justin, mind if i add this to my book (with full credit and link back here to you)?

  3. Justin says:

    Thanks, Chris. Absolutely, please feel free to add it to your book.

  4. Flash Free says:

    This is a great blog!

  5. Justin says:

    Thanks, Flash Free!

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