Today we’re announcing a few new features for in5, our InDesign to HTML5 exporter!
Here’s the quick list (with more details below):
- iPad Web App export.
- Icon option for iPad Web App and web favicon.
- Button States feature (Rollover and Click States).
- Support for Scrollable Frame Overlays with text.
- Option to automatically make overset text scrollable.
The Details
Here are the additions in depth.
iPad Web App
I mentioned the iPad Web App (and Chris Converse’s excellent Create an iPad Web App course on and that we wanted to support this as feature shortly after we started raising money through Kickstarter.
in5 now includes a simple drop-down that allows you to export an iPad Web App.

Once the content is exported and uploaded to a web server, the page automatically detects whether a user is on an iPad, and whether the user is running from the web or as a web app.

If the user is running your site on the web (on the iPad), they’re prompted with instructions (2-clicks) to install the app to their home screen.

Once on the home screen, your site functions very much like a standard iPad app.

A custom icon can be attached in the Advanced section. For webpages, this icon field can also be used to attach a favicon.

When the app is launched from the Home screen, there’s no browser bar!
The best thing about Web Apps is that there’s no App Store approval required, and no annual developer license fee!
Scrolling Text
in5 now supports scrolling text generated from the Scrolling Frame option in the Folio Overlay panel of InDesign. This was a highly requested feature on the In5 Answer Exchange. We’ve also provided an Advanced option that will automatically add scrolling to textframes that exceed their defined height (the default HTML behavior is to expand the frame to accommodate the text).
Button States
in5 also now supports Button States (Rollover and Click) built in InDesign. Another highly requested feature that we’re excited to offer!
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Thanks for 1.1 Justin – appreciate all the hard work. Well done and looking forward to taking it out for a spin. Cheers.
Amazing. I’m loving what you guys are doing man. I think i’m just waiting for a Baker export before I make a purchase.
Absolutely fantastic. you must of been working your socks off to get this much done. WebApp at last, can you see me jumping around the room? 🙂
Thanks Justin
Thanks for your comments, guys!
@Christian – Can’t wait to hear what you think!
@Tablazines – Baker Framework is high on our list as well.
@Steve – Beautiful image!
This is great. I tried it alredy with an existing .indd file. There are few bugs I have two tweak, but I should have something in no time.
One question: will the iPad app let users know when content has been updated?
@Blackmore Media – The Web App reaches out to the webpage. So updating the webpage will update the content. You can combine this with Application Caching which will store the files locally and only download newer files when the application cache (generated by in5) has changed.
Thanks, Joshua!
hi justin, is it possible to produce an ipad app which can be put on sale on istore?
Hi Hamid,
Yes, it is possible to produce an iPad app that can solid in the iStore, but you’ll need to package the app using another tool, like PhoneGap.
Please add Baker export!
Hi Chuck,
Thanks for the comment!
Baker Framework export coming soon!
I also would love to see a Baker compatible output option!
Button states question. Does your demo include the 1.1 update of button states? I was unable to get a graphic navbar that I built (which jumps to bookmarked pages) to behave. My navbar in browser mode was dead in the water. Does your button states include “jump to bookmark” or just rollover action? I’m demoing your software to assess if it fits our department needs. Thanks for your great work!
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for your comment. The rollover is a separate feature from the navigation. We just added support for the rollover. I’ll have to check on “jump to bookmark,” but we’ve supported jump to page since version 1.0.
I plan on buying this..right now… Because I want to get a jump on utlizing this software. What I really need is Baker compatibility. My question to you is… If I purchase this Now… Will I be elidgible for free updates…. More importantly to the Bake export?
Hi, Tablazines. Yes, you will receive the v1.2 update next week with the Baker Framework export (as well as all 1.x updates) for no additional charge.
VERY… VERY COOL. Just made the purchase!
Question… the in5 plugin states there’s 1.1.3 update… how do I update to that?
That’s a glitch in 1.1.3 (it thinks it’s 1.1.2). You’re version is up-to-date. The glitch will be resolved when we release 1.2.0 later this week.
VERY COOL. I must say that I’m thoroughly impressed with this plugin & it’s functionality and at the pace you guys keep adding improvements to it. You definitely have a happy customer here.
Glad to hear it, Tablazines! We appreciate the feedback! Tell your friends!
If you follow my Twitter feed you’ll see that I already have @ “Tell your friends!”
I’m also writing an article on putting together a magazine utilizing Baker and in5 when the update becomes available
Very much appreciated, Tablazines!
Wow, export option to baker format would be great! Exporting slideshows it’s also important for me, it will be included soon? Or you aren’t in a hurry about it.
Sorry about my english.
Hi Antonio,
The Baker Framework export is now available:
Slideshows are on our list for a future update.
I have the latest Adobe suite including InDesign CS6. Can I use the InDesign to HTML5 software with this newer version??
Yes. in5 works with InDesign CS4, CS5, CS.5, CS6, and CC.