Thanks to posts from Keith Gilbert and John Nack, we’ve had a flood of backers and tweets for the Kickstarter project!
We’re now 64% funded with 61 backers at the midway point, and there are more pledges every time I check my email!
End of day update
It was a very good day for InDesign->HTML5. We jumped from 54% funded and 49 backers yesterday, to 73% funded and 69 backers at the end of today (5pm PST). We’re now on track to reach our minimum funding goal early. Wahoo!
Update (12/12/12): The product, now called in5 is now publicly available:
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Looks exciting!
Assuming that you are funded for this project, what is the ETA for funders over $100 to gain access to this Extension?
Thanks, Dane!
We’re at 106% funding as I type. Funders at $100 or more will have access to an early prototype about 2 weeks after the project closes, then access to the working builds until the product is released.
I was VERY happy to see your project on KickStarter.
I have been greatly puzzled by Adobe’s Bait & Switch with inDesign. Since 5.5 they boasted about inDesign’s ability to export HTML5. I had done a quick test just to see if it would work. The little I did seemed to work fine when exported to HTML5. But when I then completed the site and tried to export to HTML5, it was a disaster. I had no choice but to put the SWF version online. Because SWF provides NO SEO possibilities, I decided to redo the site in Adobe Muse just so it could run under HTML5.
I think Muse is very easy to use, but I had to learn it and I already had years of proficiency with inDesign — which is MUCH more robust. (BTW – does anyone know how to do a TABLE in Muse? The text handling in Muse is laughable.) I created a google alert just so I could learn about any tools for faithfully export HTML5 from inDesign. That’s how I learned about your project.
I’m really looking forward to this. I funded $100 because I want to get my hands on it early.
Thanks for a great project that SHOULD have been completely unnecessary had Adobe simply delivered on its promises. But I’m certainly glad AJAR took up the good fight!
Many thanks –
Alan i Harris
FiAir Chief
Hi Alan,
Thanks for your comment! And thanks for your contribution! I think you’ve done a great job of summarizing most of the major issues. Glad to have you on board!