I may be doubling somebody’s efforts out there. I’m not sure if someone else has already written this one, but just in case, here’s the one I wrote.
I find with graphic symbols that I often use them in the ‘play once’ mode and at the end of their animation I’ll apply settings to the instance like an alpha fade out. This involves (on the keyframe after the ‘play once’ animation) setting the instance to ‘single frame’ and either guessing or going into symbol-edit mode and finding out how many total frames are in the symbol. This extension takes care of that. Just run the command and it will set all selected graphic instances to ‘single frame’ and set them to display their final frame.
Free download
Set graphic to final frame.mxp
(backward compatible to Flash MX 2004)
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Installer (MXP) causes error in extention manager CS6 (invalid Package) and runtime error in Extention manager 1.6 (flash 8)
Hi Ray, Sorry about that. Repackaged now.