Are you moving from print to digital?

Need help exporting your spreads to HTML?

Starting with version 3.1 of in5 (InDesign to HTML5) comes with a script that lets you merge multi-page spreads into single pages.

Before running the script

Here’s a screenshot of a document with spreads before the script has been run.

InDesign pages panel with spreads before the script has been run

To merge each spread into a page, you’ll simply run the Merge Spreads script that will be installed with in5 v3.1.

After running the script

The script will produce a new document (so your original is left unchanged).

Note that the number of spreads and the number of pages are now the same in the image below.

InDesign Pages panel showing spreads have become pages

You can now finish prepping the modified document for a digital format (web, mobile app, etc).

This is just one of the ways that in5 will help you transition from print to digital documents.

Get a free copy of in5 today to start using the Merge Spreads script.

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