I was sitting in Colin Fleming‘s One Design, Multiple Devices: Adaptive Design in Digital Publishing Suite lab at Adobe MAX, when someone mentioned that it would be useful to split Alternate Layouts into individual documents when building Folios. Many of our in5 customers are working with Alternate Layouts as well, so I’ve included a script with the latest update of in5. The script is available to use at no charge for in5 and DPS users alike.
Just double-click on the script in the Scripts panel:

The script is installed free with in5. A license is required to use the full edition of in5, but this script will work even if you don’t have an in5 license. So, head over to the in5 download page and get the latest version (which includes this script).
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When you save out an alternate layout into another document, all the hyperlinks are killed in the alternative layout, is there any way to prevent this?
Hi Ra,
I’m not able to replicate this in my testing. Could you post a test INDD that replicates the issue?
Hi, I´m using the alternate layouts script and currently have 3 alternate layouts each with 2 spreads of two pages. All the layouts are the same apart from one page on the first spread which only has alternate text. The alternate layout export worked fine with 2 layouts but when I added the third InDesign crashes everytime. Any chance this is a known problem?
Hi Rikard,
We’ve not seen that issue yet. If you like, you can send us the INDD for testing. support -AT- ajarproductions (dot) com.
Hi, I can´t send a file but I did find out that this only happened while i was viewing a page as it was splitting into several other INDD files. Fixed by switching view to a master page before running the script.
Interesting. We’ll keep an eye out for this. Thanks for following up!