New FrameSync Features: Sneak Peek

Here’s a sneak peek of the new version of  the FrameSync Flash extension. These new features should save you even more time!

Sorry that the audio quality is so low. The video was recorded in a hurry. Now, back to work…

UPDATE (8/16/10): These features are now available.

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6 replies on “New FrameSync Features: Sneak Peek”

  1. movom says:

    i am a FrameSync user. I think it’s a very good idea.
    I wait for the new version !!!!
    Thank’s your for all your work !
    You make the world better…

  2. Justin says:

    Thanks for the comment, Movom! The new version will be released soon!

  3. smoke_smk says:

    Thanx man!!!! you’re a giniess!!!!

  4. Justin says:

    Thanks, smoke_smk!

  5. Eric says:

    Hey I think this is a great extension, I was wondering if there has been suggestion to have AN option on how many frames before and after are played when you click on the audio playback option. If you could set it so the previous 2 or 3 frames playback that would help me be more sure of the sound I’m hearing. Kind of like a onion skinning for audio. Thanks for the extension.

  6. Justin says:

    Thanks, Eric. This is a feature that I’ve been thinking about adding for the next version. It would also allow you to set how many frames forward it would play.

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