Flash Extension: Move Layers to New Folder

This is a simple feature that I’ve always wanted in Flash, so I decided to create it.

Free (CS3 & newer) download here.

…And, by request, here’s a version for Flash MX 2004 and Flash 8.

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4 replies on “Flash Extension: Move Layers to New Folder”

  1. freesoner says:

    it seems that does not work properly in CS5

  2. Justin says:

    Thanks for pointing that out, Freesoner. It was actually crashing my version of CS5, and it took me a while to find the culprit. Apparently, you can’t check for the value of a parentLayer in CS5 JSFL if that value is null. Flash goes kablooey (an unfortunate bug).

    I uploaded a new version (1.0.1) with a fix.

  3. m* says:

    hey. awesome site! very useful. excited to learn to make my own extensions. already use commands a lot… (would love to add a few more common things to your queasy box…

    question: where’s this 1.0.1 extension? the current one does crash my CS5.5.

    also, not certain what part of which extension is causing this, but one of the others causes flash to do some unidentifiable modify document loop about 30-40 times at each click of the mouse… disabled everything and it stopped… need to work now so can’t troubleshoot more. …updates for CS5 for all appreciated 😉 thanks!

  4. Justin says:

    Hi m*,

    The first link above points to the newest version.

    Check out the Creating Flash Extensions series for more on how to make your own extensions.

    Re: the document loop. Try enabling the extensions one at time to see which one triggers the issue. Very few of our extensions run continuously in the background like this. FrameSync and FrameAim are the only two that I can think of. Neither one of those are triggered by a mouse click, however (and both can be disabled with a check box inside the panel).

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