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Is there a way to bundle an html into a single file? I want to send an html presentation that I built in In5 to an investor so they can view it offline, but I don't want to send them the html file and the accompanying folders in case something gets moved or displaced.
in how_to by (190 points)

1 Answer

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We don't recommend sending content as an HTML5 email. Although you could send your investor a zip file via email (preferably as a link from cloud storage instead of an attachment), the best way to send them your content is to upload it and send them the URL.

Here are some materials that Justin has put together to help explain the process of uploading content:

  • Publishing to the Web - a free lesson in the Becoming a Digital Publishing Master with in5
  • Publishing to Your Own Custom Domain & Website - a free course on Ajar Academy (click Enroll in the Course for FREE to view the course)
  • WordPress - info if you're adding the content to a WordPress site
  • Tiiny Host - A simpler and faster way to host content than trying to get hosting secured and FTPing. After logging in, zip up the content, give the website a name, and drag and drop the zipped file.

For free hosting, there are some workarounds for hosting via cloud services (many cloud services, such as Dropbox, no longer allow their service to be used to host content). Here's an article I found with more information about the workarounds:

There was also a post on the in5 Answer Exchange in which GitHub was used to host content for free:

If you'd like to limit access to your online content, then you can add a password screen:

You can export your InDesign layout as a web app and enable offline cache for your investor to download and later view while offline. Here's more information about making web apps with in5:

by (26.9k points)